Tackling your Recruiting!

  • Over 75,000 Student-Athlete Success Stories since 1982!
  • More than $2.5 Billion in Athletic Scholarships & Financial Aid!
  • 835 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JUCO Football Programs
  • Over 5,800 Registered College Football Coaches!
  • Unmatched Success Rate with Qualified, Verified, Next-Level Prospects! Up to 95% with PrepStar Elite 360 verified prospects.

National Signing Day


Football Recruiting Timeline

Success Stories

Janeille Nickels

Thank you for your guidance & support over the last 4 years. Janeille started receiving letters from colleges she had selected in her sophomore year. I believe Collegiate Sports of America was an asset. Janeille has received a 70% scholarship in Softball, to San Jose State University. We are extremely proud of her decision. Again, the Nickels family would like to thank you for your support & dedication over the past 4 years.

Robyn Nickels
Chris Minck

Just thought you would like to get an update on Chris. He is starting for Kenyon College basketball at the point guard position. So far, a very young team is off to a slow start but Chris is averaging about 25 minutes /game, 5.4 pts and has an assist to turnover ratio of 24 a assists /15 t/os , best on the team. In addition, fall baseball went very well and he will be playing baseball at Kenyon as well and ha s a chance to be the starting CF. As you know Kenyon found Chris through CSA , so once again thanks since he is having a great time , getting a super education and still playing ball.

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