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- Over 3,000 Registered College Soccer Coaches!
- Unmatched Success Rate with Qualified, Verified, Next-Level Prospects! Up to 95% with PrepStar Elite 360 verified prospects.
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GET STARTEDSuccess Stories
Jessie Lucier
My name is Jessie Lucier and I am currently a freshman at Harvard University. Last year CSA-PrepStar Prepstar helped me get into the college of my choice. CSA-Prepstar aided me in the recruiting process for women's pole vaulting to get the attention of a number of schools. I chose Harvard and have just finished a successful freshmen year pole vaulting on the Crimson track team. Thanks for all your assistance and I hope others that use your service are as happy as I was.
Read MoreNate Ustianowski
Yesterday I received a phone call from the Alpha Academic Program Director at Abilene Christian and they have made recommendation to admissions for Nate to be accepted to ACU... no matter what his SAT score comes in at. It won't have the official until I get the call from the admissions office, but when I do, Nate has made his choice to ACU. Carson-Newman has also been in contact with us and Nate is in the process of being accepted there as they want him too. So, pl ease don't send out any further emails as the letters tend to be a bit overwhelming. Nate must have received contacts from over forty schools. Nate is thrilled!